EDI Dual-Standings Fittings

These fittings have been designed with combatting Drifter, Sleeper and Rogue Drone threats within Pochven with the goal of gaining standings with both EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective.

These fits may include items that cannot be used by Clone State Alpha accounts, the goal is to engage at 200KM and above to use Tracking Disruptors on the drifter battleships so they can't hit you back as easily and to be able to kite pretty much anything else.

Damage Fits


Naga, EDI D/S Deathwing T2
[Naga, EDI D/S Deathwing T2]
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II

Medium Micro Jump Drive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Medium Ionic Field Projector II
Medium Ionic Field Projector II

Spike L x10000
Optimal Range Script x1
Targeting Range Script x2
Tracking Speed Script x2
Improved Cloaking Device II

Weapons can be swapped for T1 variants but requires you to use Caldari Navy Iron Charge L in order to keep the desired 200KM+ range and damage, the cloaking device is for operating in systems where there isn't a public citadel to tether on between engagements.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png


Jackdaw, EDI D/S Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, EDI D/S Jackdaw]
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Gistum C-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Missile Guidance Computer II
Missile Guidance Computer II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
Small Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition I

Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x10000
Missile Range Script x2

Weapons can be swapped for T1 variants but will lower your DPS, use sharpshooter mode for the extra range it provides, kiting is the name of the game with this fit.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png

Support Fits


Crucifier, EDI D/S Support T2
[Crucifier, EDI D/S Support T2]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Tracking Disruptor II
Tracking Disruptor II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Signal Amplifier II
Signal Amplifier II

Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector II
Small Particle Dispersion Projector II

Optimal Range Disruption Script x2
Targeting Range Script x2

This fitting requires high level EWAR skills to be effective, the minimum suggested requirements are Long Distance Jamming 5 and Amarr Frigate 5 in order to support effectively, you also need to be able to target out to 200KM and above, this ships goal is to land on grid first and disrupt the most dangerous targets on grid so the long range ships can engage.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png


Vigil, EDI D/S Low SP Option
[Vigil, EDI D/S Low SP Option]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Target Painter II
Target Painter II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

Small Ionic Field Projector II
Small Particle Dispersion Projector II
Small Particle Dispersion Projector II

Targeting Range Script x2

This fitting is for those who only really need to farm a little standing for an alt or just enough to avoid Triglavian presence in K-Space, if you can fly the Crucifier that is preferred but this is a valid option, you still need to be able to target out to over 200KM so you might need to swap the AB for another Sensor Booster.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png


Stork, EDI D/S Primary Links
[Stork, EDI D/S Primary Links]
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Information Command Burst II
Information Command Burst II

5MN Microwarpdrive II
Micro Jump Field Generator
Warp Disruptor II
Target Painter II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

Small Command Processor I
Small Ionic Field Projector II

Scourge Light Missile x1000
Targeting Range Script x2
Electronic Superiority Charge x300
Sensor Optimization Charge x300

This will help give the ships extra lock range and increase the locking speed of the larger ships so they ar ebetter able to deal with the smaller targets, the weapons can be swapped out for anything you want as primarily you'll be there for links and using a TP to gain standings ticks.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png


Pontifex, EDI D/S Secondary Links
[Pontifex, EDI D/S Secondary Links]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Information Command Burst II
Information Command Burst II

Target Painter II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Signal Amplifier II
Signal Amplifier II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

Small Command Processor I
Small Ionic Field Projector II

Targeting Range Script x2
Electronic Superiority Charge x300
Sensor Optimization Charge x300

The Pontifex is the secondary option for gang links, however, you will struggle to reach the required lock range which makes this a less optimal choice, if you can fly the Stork bring that instead.

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png