Living Inside Pochven.



So, you've decided you want to live in Pochven, congratulations on taking the first step, so, now that you've decided you want to live here, you now need to know what exactly that entails and what kind of special measures you might have to take in order to make your stay as pleaseant and safe as possible.
The first thing you'll want to know is that Pochven systems act a lot like Wormhole J-Space systems, there are a few subtle differences but the basics are that local chat acts on a delay, you won't show in the chat channel unless you say something in local, meaning its not easy to know who is currently active in the system, its also considered 0.0 Security Status Space, meaning anyone can engage you for any reason without consequence, you can also use Interdictors (Heavy and Standard) and deployed anchored Mobile Warp Disruptors along with the various forms of Bombs that can be launched from Stealth Bombers, you'll also be able to use Micro Jump Field Generators (aka booshing).

That being said, the same apply to anyone else in the system, unless they are using their Directional Scanner, Combat Probes, you speak in local or they land on the same grid as your ship, they won't have any idea you're even in the system, this makes Covert Ops Cloaks and ships that are immune to Directional Scans (the Curse, Rook, Lachesis and Huginn) ideal ships for hunting targets inside Pochven.

It is also important that you're aware of the Permanent Weather Effect inside Pochven systems, this is similar in nature to the normal Wormhole Weather Effect but provides the following stat modifications in all Pochven systems:

  • -50% Maximum Locked Targets.
  • -30% Warp Speed.
  • +25% to Remote Shield Booster and Remote Armor Repairer Amount.

Navigating the Pochven Region.

Navigating Pochven is a combination of navigating Wormhole systems and K-Space systems, what do i mean by this, well, the Pochven region is isolated from the standard stargate network so can only be entered by using a Wormhole or a Pochven Entry Filament, however, unlike regular Wormhole systems, the Pochven region has its own internal Conduit Network to enable people to move around within the region, however unlike normal Stargates these require specific Triglavian Standings to use, they only check the standings required to enter the target system so, using that map, you would need a standing of atleast 1.0 to jump from Wirashoda in to Senda, but, you would require a standing of 3.0 to make the jump back in to Wirashoda from Senda.

The Conduits inside Pochven act like High Sec Stargates in regards to the sorts of ships they allow to use them, meaning a Freighter can use a Conduit but a Carrier wouldn't be able to as they aren't allowed to jump in to a High Sec System.

And on the subject of Capital Ships and Pochven, like Wormhole space you can NOT light Cynosural Fields of any type inside Pochven, meaning you are unable to jump Capital Ships in to Pochven, however as Pochven is still within Jump Drive range of standard K-Space systems any capitals can jump OUT of Pochven to any valid system in range, it also means that you can light Jump Bridges from any Titans or Black Ops Battleships that happen to be inside Pochven to move ships and resources out of the region, given the unique layout of the Pochven region in relation to K-Space systems this would give a Covert Ops fleet able to move around in Pochven freely a substantial sphere of force projection.

Outside of that you only need to be aware of certain Deadspaced areas of space which will be covered later in more detail, however you should know that Ore Sites are fully Deadspaced while Wormholes are partially Deadspaced in that warping to the scan result at 0m will land you 75KM away from the actual Wormhole itself, however bookmarking the hole will allow you to warp directly to it.

Structures and Stations.

When the Pochven region was created any NPC Stations and Player Structures (POS, POCO's and Citadels) were left intact, the NPC stations had their ownership changed to the Triglavian's and a Standings Requirement was added to access those stations, all existing Player Structures continued to operate as normal, however, it is not possible to anchor any NEW Citadels within Pochven and an error message stating that this structure type cannot be deployed in systems owned by the Triglavian Collective.

You are however able to anchor new POCO's (Player Owned Customs Offices) within Pochven if you meet the minimum standings requirement of 1.50 with The Triglavian Collective and they will continue to function like their K-Space counterparts.

As mentioned earlier the NPC stations that exist within Pochven come with standings requirements in order to access them and use certain Services, the standings required are:

  • Docking: -0.05
  • Loyalty Point Store: -0.01
  • Fitting: 1.00
  • Repair: 2.00
  • Jump Clones (Same Station Clone Swapping ONLY): 3.00
  • Reprocessing: 3.00
  • Manufacturing: 4.00
  • Corporation Offices: 4.00 Corp Standing NOT Personal

So a player with 0.0 Standings with The Triglavian Collective will be able to Dock and access the Loyalty Point Store but will NOT be able to Refit within the station like they would normally, Deployables like Mobile Depots and Mobile Tractor Units do not require any standings so a Depot can be used to refit in system while you're farming up enough Standings to use the station services although its advised that you create a new Safespot each time you want to use it and keep an eye on D-Scan for combat probes as Depots are notoriously easy to probe compared to ships.

Like Wormhole systems you cannot use a Jump Clone to enter the system, you can however swap clones within the same Structure like you can in K-Space systems with the normal restrictions aslong as the Standings requirement above is met, you also cannot set your Medical Clone to a station inside Pochven so you will not be able to respawn if Podkilled.

NPC Presence.

The main NPC's found within Pochven will be ships from The Triglavian Collective, obviously if you plan on gaining Standings with them you'll want to avoid shooting their ships, so until you gain that first Standings tick to take you above 0.0 these ships will be hostile and shoot you on sight, other NPC Roaming Fleets will spawn inside a Pochven system based on the currently active Wormhole connections present and where they connect to, these fleets will patrol the system and will shot anyone they deem hostile and will engage hostile NPC's aswell, it should be noted that these fleets do not pay out any ISK or LP when destroyed:

  • EDENCOM: these fleets will spawn when there is an active C729 connection to a High/Low Security system and the types of ships that spawn will depend on the region its connected to, the fleets spawned will have a mixture of the connected regions Factional Navy along with ships from their Allied Faction, for example a Caldari connection will spawn fleets containing Caldari and Amarr ships.
  • Drifters and Sleepers: these fleets will only spawn if there is an active connection to Wormhole J-Space, some of the Drifter Battleships have a Superweapon that will fire once their Blue Overshield is depleted, they provide the best Standings ticks but come with the highest risk when it comes to safely engaging them.
  • Rogue Drones: these fleets will only spawn when there is an active connection to Null Security Space or the Drone Regions, these fleets are the only ones known to contain Capital Ships in the form of Rogue Drone Infested Thanatos and Nyx (Note the Nyx is still classed as a Standard Capital on the overview) and the Rogue Drone Supercarrier the Progenitor Zero

All NPC's in Pochven drop their normal possible loot in addition to the Pochven exclusive Blue Loot in the form of Interstellar Navigation Logs which are used for certain Triglavian Loyalty Point offers which we will get to later along with various types of Pochven entry filaments, in terms of Salvage the Rogue Drone wrecks inside Pochven count as Triglavian wrecks so are a potential source of ship building materials for those who don't want to shoot Triglavians.

When it comes to dealing with NPC's there are a couple of school's of thought, those who want to directly fight the NPC's in a Brawler scenario and those who want to engage at extreme ranges in a Sniping scenario, each scenario has its benefits and its shortfalls and the style of fleet you use will depend on who you have available.

Brawler fleets will have higher DPS and allow for relatively lower skilled pilots to participate effectively, however being close range means that if there is too much damage or tackle on grid the chances of losing ships is high, it also means you might not be able to deal with Drifter superweapons due to not always being able to disengage quickly.

Sniper fleets on the other hand require highly specialised fits and tactics to deal with certain encounters effectively, this generally raises the bar to entry in terms of Skillpoints, on the flip side it renders tackle almost a non-issue due to being outside of scramble range, it does however mean lower effective DPS but enables your fleet to perform hit and run tactics, to be effective this setup requires a Covert Ops ship to provide a warpin to the targets to be the most effective.

An example Sniper fleet is made up of ships able to hit at 200KM effectively, the Naga is best suited to this task, which support Crucifier Frigates fit with Tracking Disruptors to reduce the range and tracking of the long range Battleships and Cruisers, this lets you snipe effectively any fleet you're likely to come across in Pochven and is generally the most effective method of farming Standings.

Combat Sites.

Pochven is home to multiple types of Sites, the Combat Anomalies, the Combat Sites and the Wormhole Sites, the Combat Sites that existed in Chapter 3, namely the Stellar Fleet Deployment, the World Ark Assault Flashpoint and the Observatory Flashpoint still spawn within Pochven and will award ISK when completed like they did in K-Space, new sites were added to Pochven for each of the 4 factions, these are as follows:

  • Convocation Watchpost: Triglavian NPC's
  • EDENCOM Scout Fleet: EDENCOM NPC's
  • Incipient Drone Swarm: Rogue Drone NPC's
  • Torpid Sleeper Hive: Drifter and Sleeper NPC's

These will pay out ISK when cleared based on the site payout shared among the fleet that cleared it similar to the Chapter 3 sites, the Triglavian site will also pay out DED LP.

The Wormhole Dungeon also functions as a site with multiple waves, this will also pay out when completed so these should be considered as extra sites if you're farming, however you may end up with other player presence in these sites so you should be prepared to defend yourself.

Ore & Ice Sites.

The ore sites that spawn inside Pochven are mostly made up of the Triglavian Ore's Bezdnacine, Rakovene and Talassonite, Spoumain and Mercoxite are also possible spawns in these sites which means that the mineral types available in Pochven are:

  • Isogen
  • Megacyte
  • Morphite
  • Nocxium
  • Tritanium
  • Zydrine

As a result of this there are 2 minerals which are not found within Pochven in any quantities and would need to be imported in order to perform production within the region:

  • Pyerite
  • Mexallon

Ice Belts continue to spawn inside Pochven systems as per normal in the systems that contained belts before but appear to spawn at a reduced rate compared to before, but this might be related the ore redistribution that happened rather than as a result of Pochven directly.

Triglavian LP Stores.

With the addition of Trglavian NPC stations a dedicated LP Store was added, unlike other factions however there is no Triglavian LP so all of the store offerings only require ISK and items, the most common item required for LP offers are the Interstellar Navigation Logs which were added as drops within Pochven, there are other items required for some of the offers, most of which are rare drops from ships within Pochven, items available from the LP store include:

  • Tech 1 Ammo Blueprint Copies: all sizes.
  • Tech 1 & Meta Weapon Blueprint Copies: all sizes including the dreadnaught.
  • Tech 1 & Meta Mutadaptive Repairer Blueprint Copies: all sizes.
  • Faction Weapon Blueprint Copies: light, heavy and supratidal.
  • Tech 1 Damage Mod Blueprint Copies: the BPC for the Entropic Radiation Sink I.
  • Tech 1 Ship Blueprint Copies: all classes including the dreadnaught.
  • Precursor Tech 1 Skillbooks: all T1 ships and modules along with the ore reprocessing skills.
  • Triglavian Datacores: although these also drop as loot so are probably not worth buying for Nav Logs.
  • Tech 1 Capital Construction Component Blueprint Copies: required for the capital ships.
  • Tech 1 Capital Ship Components: the capital sized versions of Singularity Radiation Convertors, Trinary State Processors and Zero-Point Field Manipulators.
  • Mimesis Implant Set Blueprint Copies: low, mid and high grade.
  • Bioadaptive Kybernaut, Kybernaut Clade & Triglavian Survival Clothing: both genders, currently the items required for these offers come from an unknown source.

Standings, Why You Might Want Them.

Living in Pochven without Standings is "possible", aslong as you have the minimum required to dock you can live and operate within a given system, standings do however make it far easier as you'll be able to use Station Services like Refitting, Repair and Manufacturing along with gaining access to the Conduit Network to enable you to traverse the region, in an ideal world you would want 7.00 Standings in order to use all Services and enter any system within the region, this would enable you to use Pochven as a shortcut between Jita and Amarr which had its route massively increased due to the fall of Niarja.

However this is a fairly high bar to reach so we should consider 4.00 the maximum that most people will need as this will give you access to all Station Services aswell as letting you travel around the vast majority of the Pochven region, the only systems you wouldn't be able to enter would be the 3 "Home" systems of Archee, Kino and Niarja, it is possible to live in Pochven with lower, but you'll have to judge what freedoms you'll need to find the exact perfect level for you.

The last reason you might want positive Triglavian Standings is that it will also turn the Triglavian NPC's floating around in High Sec white so they won't aggress you unless you aggress them, it is entirely possible to be positive to both EDENCOM and The Triglavian Collective with no downsides so for newer players its advised to get that single Standings tick to make High Sec that little bit safer to travel through.

Moon Mining and Planetary Interaction.

As it stands new Citadel's cannot be anchored in Pochven so its not possible to move an Athanor in to place, when using Moon Probes the results are empty indicating that its might not even be possible to mine Moon's within Pochven as they may not have been seeded with minerals, this makes Moon Mining mostly moot in regards to Pochven.

From current research it would seem that Planetary Interaction is working exactly the same as it used to before Pochven was formed, obviously the 1.50 Standings requirement applies to trying to anchor your own POCO but you're free to use any of the existing structures as you normally would anywhere else, so the viability of PI would depend on the system you're in and the resources that were available.