Standings In Pochven And How To Gain Them.

Pochven added a new set of standings that affect people both in and out of Triglavian controlled space, having positive standings with the Triglavian Collective has a number of benefits which include but are not limited to:

  • Access to Stations and their Services. (refitting, repairing, manufacturing, etc)
  • Access to the Triglavian Home Systems.
  • Triglavians no longer being hostile by default.

Each of these requires a different amount of positive standings with The Triglavian Collective and range from -0.05 to 7.00, the amount you need depends on what you actually plan on doing within Pochven.

Stations and Services.

NPC Stations within Pochven require standings to dock and use its services, the minimum standings required are as follows:

  • Docking: -0.05
  • Loyalty Point Store: -0.01
  • Fitting: 1.00
  • Repair: 2.00
  • Jump Clones (Same Station Clone Swapping ONLY): 3.00
  • Reprocessing: 3.00
  • Manufacturing: 4.00
  • Corporation Offices: 4.00

Triglavian Conduit Network.

Pochven is seperated from the New Eden Stargate Network and has its own Triglavian Conduit Network, the TCN is similar to Stargate Network in High Security Space in that it will only allow sub-capital sized ships to traverse the network, the Home systems require a standing of 7.0 to enter:

  • Triglavian Border System 0.00+ (Ahtila,Arvasaras, Otanuomi, Sakenta, Senda and Urhinichi)
  • Triglavian Internal System 0.00+ (Ala, Angymonne, Harva, Ichoriya, Ignebaener, Kaunokka, Komo, Konola, Krirald, Kuharah, Nalvula, Nani, Otela, Raravoss, Skarkon, Tunudan, Vale and Wirashoda)
  • Triglavian Home System 7.00+ (Archee, Kino and Niarja)

As this check is only performed on the system you are trying to enter it means you can jump out of Kino in to Otela as you only need standings to enter a Home system not leave it, so be aware of where you are jumping as you might end up taking a one way trip.

Gaining Standings.

The process of gaining standings is relatively straight forward and depends on which standing you're trying to raise, both The Triglavian Collective and EDENCOM standings can be raised by shooting the opposite side, this will however lower your standing with the faction you choose to shoot, however within Pochven both TTC and EC standings can be raised by shooting at Rogue Drones and Sleeper/Drifter ships meaning that it is entirely possible with some effort to be positive to both sides.

Roaming NPC's can be found defending their entry Wormhole, around NPC stations, at random anchored POCO's and around the Trglavian Conduits that are in system, the roaming fleets will engage any player that is hostile to them which includes other NPC fleets. they have not at this time been observed warping to Upwell structures deployed in the system, NPC fleets will, if left alone, warp between locations roughly every 10-12 minutes.

Standings from NPC kills are gained in ticks. The standings tick is 10-15 minutes long and is tracked on per system basis and only counts the standing gain/loss for the largest NPC destroyed in those 10 minutes.
For example, you destroy a Raznaborg Damavik, this starts a 10-15 minute standings tick timer, if you don't destroy any other Triglavian ships in this time you will only gain/lose standing for that kill, however if you destroy a Damavik and then within that 10 minute timer you destroy a Leshak you will instead be credited for that kill when the original standings timer expires, so you can start your timer by killing something small while you hunt for something larger.

In order to gain a standings tick you need to participate in the destruction of a ship of the target faction, remember that Sleepers and Drifters are treated as the same faction for the purpose of standings, you don't actually have to do any damage to the target and a Target Painter or Tracking Disruptor will be enough for you to gain an assist against that target aslong as it is killed by something, so for neutral people looking to gain a single positive standings tick its entirely possible to pop in to Pochven in a Vigil fit for long range Target Painting and waiting to find a hostile fleet being engaged and just painting a ship that is about to die.